Evaluations and Reviews

We help you understand how well you’re doing and look at what’s next. We undertake evaluations and reviews at sector, location, organisation and program levels, to analyse the effectiveness and sustainability of programs, organisations and initiatives; and make recommendations for action.

● Development of an evaluation framework
● Development of data collection tools
● Collection and analysis of data
● Consultation and engagement with stakeholders
● Comprehensive independent evaluation report

For Government

For Organisations

For Boards


For Government

Matrix has led complex evaluation  projects on behalf of all tiers of government, and for large organisations that support the not-for-profit sector.

Evaluations we have undertaken include programs as diverse as:

  • The needs for development and support of a healthy and sustainable  volunteering sector

  • Approaches to the removal of asbestos in indigenous communities

  • The provision of domestic and family violence services in remote locations

  • Governance practices on an indigenous-owned cattle station

  • Impact of a financial literacy training program on behalf of a major bank.


For Organisations

How do you know how well what you’re doing is working?  How could you improve?  And how do you demonstrate your impact to funding bodies that can grant or withhold the vital resources that mean you can keep going?

To identify ways to strengthen the organisation and improve your capacity to deliver on your mission, we can review your organisation as a whole. 

We can help you evaluate your programs, for funding purposes, for improvement and for evaluation of outcomes and impact.

We can work with you to review your management and team, to explore performance and identify workforce development and training needs. 

We can also help you establish a measurement and evaluation framework at the commencement of a program to enable effective evaluation later.


For Boards

An annual assessment of your Board’s effectiveness and performance is becoming increasingly important for NFPs in the current context of growing concerns around compliance and good governance. 

It can also be time consuming and inconvenient especially for volunteer Boards with limited time availability. 

The Matrix Board Review makes the process fast and  painless, with an online survey, easy to read and understand reporting, and optional face to face workshops to process the results and turn it into a plan for action.