Project: Accredited Training Delivery
Location: Yuendumu, NT

Warlpiri Youth Development Aboriginal Corporation (WYDAC)

Warlpiri Youth Development Aboriginal Corporation (WYDAC) is based in Yuendumu in the Northern Territory and delivers a range of initiatives and programs dedicated to developing the strength, health, confidence and leadership of Warlpiri youth. A variety of programs are delivered over 5 remote community locations.

WYDAC has now been working with Matrix for over two years and have engaged them to provide accredited training. This has been mainly in Certificate II and III in Community Services; and more recently in Certificate II in Business, with a focus on using digital technology for the workplace.

In our experience, the training and support provided by Matrix has been of a high quality, relevant to the needs of the community and especially to our organisation. They are committed to working flexibly and in response to the way our organisation and community works; which is critical to any training delivery.

In a recent presentation to the Warlpiri Education Training Trust on our community learning centre outcomes, we were pleased to report that our accredited delivery has been the most successful to date; which we believe is largely attributed to our collaboration with Matrix and their willingness to work within the community's needs and their solutions-based approach to the challenges of remote delivery.

We are currently in conversations with Matrix about how to best pathway our current delivery into Cert IV level qualifications.

We would definitely engage Matrix again in the future, should the need and opportunity arise. I have no hesitation in recommending Matrix.

Matt Davidson, CEO, Yuendumu Community via Alice Springs NT